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All transported goods are covered by a conventional insurance called "CMR" which entitles you to an indemnity of 8.33 SDR, i.e. more or less 10.00€ per kilo.  You can insure your goods for their full value for a premium equivalent to 1% of their value. 

How does CMR coverage work?

In terms of insurance, during transport, goods are exposed to various risks. In order to guarantee the reimbursement of sums incurred in the event of damage or loss, the shipper is legally obliged to insure the goods transported in accordance with certain conventions.

Since the cost of transport and therefore the pricing of freight is based on the weight and volume of the goods transported, the various conventions provide that the carrier's liability is expressed according to the weight of the goods transported when it is incurred. In other words, if the carrier is found liable, the reimbursement will be made on the basis of the weight of the damaged goods and not on the actual value of these goods.

Furthermore, the shipper will be compensated by the carrier according to ceilings fixed by the conventions. The consequences for the latter can be very significant. For, in some cases, the amount of compensation may be much lower than the real value of the damaged goods.

The limits of the carrier's liability are expressed in SDR (Special Drawing Rights). The rules for calculating the reimbursement compensation are as follows:

  • For Land transport - CMR Convention: 8.33 SDR per kilo, i.e. approximately €11.72 per kilo.

  • For air transport - Warsaw Convention - 16.5837 SDR per kilo, i.e. approximately €23.33 per kilo.

We will fully insure your goods if you pay a premium of 1% of the value you wish to insure. All you have to do is send us a request in writing.

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